Future Community,Future intelligence
  • 宋慧佳
  • 蓝海
  • Michael
  • Kiesler

Song Huijia

WeChat ID:19962178613

28 years old, likes to travel, sports entertainment and leisure, avant-garde thinking, easy to accept new things and trendy technology, often share the places she thinks worth visiting through writing. She is a future user of community healthy houses, and her family will also be there Holidays to the cultural tourism community.

Lan Hai

WeChat ID:19951338613

28 year old, an artistic youth with ideas, advocates that everyone travel more, get close to nature, strengthen sports and entertainment life, and enjoy services in the medical care community and cultural tourism community. He deeply feels the convenience brought to everyone by the smart community.


WeChat ID:15335288613

25 years old, an American boy studying in China, a loyal fan of artificial intelligence and trend technology. As a blogger, he often publishes articles about AI that he is interested in. The content is lively and relaxed. Recently, the trend products of the future community have inspired him s concern.


WeChat ID:13390868613

A 26-year-old British girl who has lived in China for many years. She likes China’s great rivers, mountains and beautiful natural scenery. As a senior cultural travel enthusiast, Kiesler likes to share her cultural travel experience and leisure experience by taking photos and writing.